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Confirmed: Mutula Kilonzo was with a young lady and used Viagra before dying

By: Admin On: 22:25
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  • According to the latest investigations regarding the mysterious death of Makueni Senator Mutula Kilonzo, detectives from the CID have unearthed a “visitor” who was with Mutula before he died on the morning of Saturday April 27th.

    Detectives who spoke to the media on condition of anonymity said they are exploring the presence of a “mysterious woman” at his Maanzoni home when he died last Saturday.

    The “visitor” is said to have been questioned by detectives but police have deepened the mystery because they have maintained silence on the details emerging from the investigation into the death of the astute politician.

    Two employees of the late Mutula have confirmed that there was a “visitor at the house while others did not mention the visitor.”

    Further police reports have showed that an unlabelled bottle containing blue pills (Viagra) was among samples taken from Mr Kilonzo’s bedroom by detectives after the death was reported.

    Mutula’s body was found tucked in bed with foam in the mouth. There were also indications that the brilliant lawyer had vomited and samples were collected for analysis. So far no details of the analysis have been confirmed to the public.

    The big question now is; who is this visitor? Who invited the visitor? Where did the visitor did come from? How about the pills?

    Finally, there seems to be some light at the end of a tunnel!



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