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Singer terms NGO Boss a sex pest

By: Admin On: 06:52
  • Share The Jamuhuri
  • A Nairobi singer who was dating a CEO of a leading Non Governmental Organisation (NGO) has termed the flamboyant CEO as a sex pest saying he had bedded all her friends during their two months’ fling. According to the singer, a onetime hit maker working with a leading stable, the CEO would buy her and her friends alcohol and drug them before bedding them.
    “I mean, isn’t that like rape. That guy is a sex pet. We are still thinking on how to deal
    with him, from a legal perspective. Before, I realised the truth; he had sexually abused and molested most of the girlfriends I used to hang out with,” the singer told Pulse. The CEO who leads an NGO with holds across Africa and known to hob-nob with the high and mighty, is a known Nairobi socialite.

    Source: Standard Digital News


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